A bite-sized approach
Short courses
Our short courses give you the option to explore one aspect of the Empowerment Approach in depth or build skills in coaching and listening to young people.
Contact us to discuss your requirements, so that we can tailor the training to the needs of your organisation.
Short courses
Who are they for?
We offer a variety of short courses which explore elements of our programmes in bite-sized chunks. They can be included in an organisation’s CPD programme or groups of schools may wish to come together to commission a short course and share the costs between them.
What will I learn?
Our short courses cover a range of areas including:
- A strength-based approach to Executive Function Skills
- Listening to young people and problem-solving together
- Coaching skills for leaders
How are they delivered?
Our short courses range from half a day to two days. They can be delivered face to face, online or a blend of both approaches.
Contact us to find out more